
3 OF A KIND: an open letter to my daughters

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

To my beloved daughters
To the three little souls who keep my heart beating each day
To the blue eyed beauties who make my heart swell with pride and joy
To the three angels that God sent down from heaven

I love each of you more than life itself.

To my Queen Ryan:

You started it all. You are the one who made me a mommy and my heart truly has never been the same since the day you came into this world. I remember the moment I discovered you were on your way into our lives. I honestly think I could feel my heart grow at that very second and then, when I held you in my arms for the first time, I swear I could hear a host of angels singing. It was pure heaven.

You have grown into a remarkable little girl and you continue to forge the trail ahead of you for your younger sisters. You truly amaze me (and sometime frighten me) every day with how intelligent you are. You have a memory like an iron trap and your wit keeps me on my toes. Your humor reminds me so much of your daddy and, although you look just like your mommy, I can see him in you as your personality takes shape.

But what I love most about you is your heart. Your kind and beautiful heart. You will be entrusted with the care of your younger sisters. To defend them and look out for them as you set out to explore life on your own. They will (and already do) look UP to you and will look TO you in times of need. It is a great responsibility, but I cannot think of someone better for the task. I am so proud of you.

To my Little LivBug:

Oh sweet girl, you are so special to me. From the day you were born, I have always felt that you an I have a very unique an inexplicable bond. Countless hours rocking you to sleep in the darkness of night. It still brings tears to my eyes as I write this remembering the serene look on your face as you slowly drifted off to sleep in my arms.

You are such an incredible blessing to our family. It is no secret that you were our 'surprise' baby, but holy moly, is it a surprise I thank God for every day. Every time you walk up to me, wrap your sweet arms around my neck and mutter "I love you so much", my heart melts a little more. You have always been my sensitive, compassionate, incredibly caring little girl and I marvel at your sweetness. To me, your daddy and both of your sisters. You have always been the most loving little one I have ever met.

You are my middle child, but that in itself is a very special place to hold in our family. You are the only middle child; the only one with both an older sister who will protect you and a younger sister who will look to you for protection. I never ever EVER want you to feel as though you get lost in our family or that you are not as important or special as your sisters.... because you ARE!  So so so special to my heart.... and I promise to make sure you know it every day of your life.

 To my Sweet Caroline:

My baby. My sweet sweet baby. Just when I thought your sisters had consumed my entire heart, here you come and I fall hopelessly in love. I love snuggling you all through the night, breathing in all your newborn yumminess, watching the little motions of your lips as you mimic nursing, the little reflexes of your arms as you absentmindedly rub your eyes. I try desperately to memorize how soft your cheek is as I go to kiss it. You truly make my heart explode with love.

Being the third baby, you have been such an angel as we are constantly on the go, carting your sisters from activity to activity. But I promise you that I will always get just as excited for your milestones as I have for your sisters'. Every new experience, sport or hobby will be a celebration in this momma's heart.

You have been the most laidback little one out of our three and I can't wait to see your little personality grow. The little smiles and coos that you are starting to shower us with can bring a smile to my face even on the hardest of days.  I am so so thankful for you and am trying desperately to soak in every second of every day while you are this little.  My love for you is as deep as the ocean and as vast as the sky.  

To My Girls:

You have mommy's heart. You have daddy's heart. But most importantly.... you have each other. Forever and always, you have each other. I have my hopes and dreams for each of you, but my biggest wish is that you will defend each other fiercly and love each other endlessly. Be there for each other. When times are good; when times are bad. Celebrate each others' triumphs and console one another other during heartache.

In time, I pray you find a friendship in your sisterhood that can compare to no other.

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