Well, I would say that I took a little hiatus from the blog, but "little" would be an understatement! But the break was for a good reason.... a VERY good reason.... I have been growing our third precious baby!!!
The exhaustion of the first trimester plus the added bonus of taking care of 2 other little humans really kicked my butt! But I'm back and hoping to document our adventures and this pregnancy in the coming months!
Planned. This one was planned, we it came as no surprise when I saw two little pink lines on December 14th letting me know that I had another little life starting inside me. December was the earliest, absolute earliest Nick and I decided that we could try for our third since we wanted Olivia to be at least 2 when baby was born... and I don't know when I always think it will take several attempts, but one try is all it took and so babe #3 will be born when Liv Bug is just BARELY 2. August will be an exciting month!

I was actually able to hold myself together this time around and tell Nick that I was pregnant in a fun way. For those unfamiliar with our pregnancy stories, we found out we were expecting our first child while on a Mediterranean Cruise. That's right, it is really fun to tell people that I found out about my first tiny blessing while in Corfu, Greece. So magical. When I took a pregnancy test one night before we had planned to drink copious amounts of alcohol, just to be safe, I was so shocked to find I was pregnant that I just ran our and waved the test in Nick's face! No cute announcement, but it was a moment I will never forget.

We always planned to have a second child, but the timing of our sweet Livi was very unexpected. Ryan was just 8 months old when I got pregnant again and I was in such shock and denial that I had a positive pregnancy test in my hand that there was no creativity involved when I told hubby. In fact, he came home late from work that night, Ryan was already asleep and he started to tell me about his day. When he finished, I told him that he should really ask me about my day and slid the positive test across the island. He smiled and asked if it was real. Then the tears came. Tears of fear and happiness. But mostly fear. I already had a baby! How was I about to have another one?! But she has been the biggest blessing and I so glad that God's plan is greater than my own!
This time around, this is how I told Nick our family is growing....
I thought it was fairly clever :)
Our parents found our about their third grandchild just before Christmas. It only took them 20 minutes before they noticed something different about our Christmas décor.
More recently, we revealed our little secret to extended family at my grandmother's funeral in February. And after that, at 14 weeks and change, we announced to the world!
BUT, the gender of baby #3 remains a secret from everyone except Nick and I. At 10 weeks, my doctor offered a blood test that sequences the baby's chromosomes, to scan from any genetic abnormalities, but to also verify the sex of the baby. We found out a week later and are BEYOND excited. It feels so right and perfect. We can't wait to meet this little one and share our joy with everyone! Until then, it will remain our little secret ;)